Bureau of S & T Cooperation
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
January 2000
The purpose of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 100/1993, dated on November 1, 1993, is to enable researchers of other countries to carry out research in the Republic of Indonesia. This applies to research of all types.
Initial clearance for research proposals is given by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) assisted by other concerned agencies within the Government of Indonesia known as the Coordinating Team, who holds a monthly meeting to review research proposals. The application process takes up to two months, mainly because of the security clearances needed.
To enable the Coordinating Team to review the research proposal, researchers must submit their applications and the following supporting documents to LIPI:
A formal letter of request to LIPI to do research in Indonesia, a copy of which is addressed to the Indonesian Representative overseas (Indonesian Ambassador, Consul General, or Consul) at the Mission (Embassy/Consulate) where the researcher will obtain the visa. This letter should explicitly state the address of the Indonesian Mission. If the address is not given, delay may cause.
Six copies of detailed research proposal which should have a title, stated objectives, and description of the methodology and concepts. It must also clearly state the locations where field research will be carried out. If the field research is to be carried out at one or more field stations, this must be stated as: "The fieldwork will be based at name of field station and resident (kabupaten) and province only."
Six copies of the researcher's curriculum vitae including a list of publications.
Two letters of recommendation, one from a professor or an equivalent senior researcher in the researcher's discipline and the other from an official of the researcher's home institute or university.
Letters of recommendation supporting the research plan from the Indonesian counterpart. A letter from an Indonesian academic institution and/or a Research & Development Center agreeing to serve as counterpart for the researcher's tenure in the country is a key document required by LIPI before the application can be forwarded to the Co-ordinating Team.
A letter guaranteeing sufficient funds to cover research and living expenses in Indonesia and fees for the Indonesian counterpart(s).
Health certificate from a doctor stating that the researcher is in a good health, both physically and mentally, to carry out research in Indonesia.
A letter of recommendation from the Indonesian Representative overseas, usually the Indonesian Ambassador or Consul at the Mission where the researcher will obtain the visa.
Three recent photographs (passport size with red background).
Three copies of the researcher's passport.
Note: For entry into Indonesia passports must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry, even if the researchers are staying for only one month.
A list of equipment, if any, brought to Indonesia to support the research. The value of the equipment should be stated in US dollars.
If a researcher plans to bring their spouses and children with them to Indonesia, they must submit a copy of their marriage certificates, spouses' resumes, children's birth certificates, photographs, and clear photocopies of their family's passports.
If the request to LIPI for a research permit is approved, LIPI will request the Directorate General of Immigration to issue a visa authorization number, which will then be sent to the Indonesian Mission from where the researcher will apply for the visa. The Indonesian Mission (Embassy or Consulate) must already been explicitly nominated by the researcher.
For visits of less than four months, researchers will be issued with a Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya or Social Visit Visa. This still means that they must visit LIPI, the security authorities, etc. in Jakarta to obtain the same letters issued to long-term researchers.
Permits for a research vessel to enter Indonesian waters should be obtained from:
Center for Survey and Mapping
Indonesian Armed Forces
JI. Dr. Wahidin I No. 11
Jakarta Pusat
Researchers must enter Indonesia through Jakarta. Upon arrival in Jakarta, it is essential that researchers inform the Immigration Officials at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport of their research site(s). The researchers will be given three to seven days by the Immigration Officials to report to the Immigration Office in the research site(s).
Within the same period of time, researchers must also report to LIPI and several other offices in Jakarta. It is useful for them to carry a number of passport-size photographs with red background and copies of their passports.
They can start with LIPI at the following address :
Bureau of S & T Cooperation
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)
Sasana Widya Sarwono Building, 7th Floor
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta Selatan
Phone: (021) 5225711 ext. 240; 237
The researcher should contact Mr. Mangembang Tarihoran or Ibu Ina Syarief at 7th Floor, Rooms 714 and 716, of the Sasana Widya Sarwono Building. Phone (021) 5225711, ext. 240/237. Mrs. Sophie Muzwar, is the Head of Bureau of S & T Cooperation.
Having reported to LIPI, there follows a few days of visiting various institutions to receive permits.
These necessary documents will be provided:
On the first day, LIPI will provide a letter to be taken to the Police Headquarters (POLRI) at Direktorat INTELPAM, Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, to obtain a Surat Keterangan Jalan (SKJ - a travel permit).
The researcher should provide:
- 2 passport-size photographs with red background.
- A copy of the passport.
LIPI will then provide:
A Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP - a research permit).
A letter for Direktorat Jenderal KESBANGLINMAS (formerly -SOSPOL) Jakarta (one copy of the SKJ should be enclosed).
A letter for the local Immigration Office nearest to the research site to obtain a stay permit (KITAS or Kartu Ijin Tinggal Sementara) if the researcher is going to stay in Indonesia for six months or longer.
A letter for the Indonesian counterpart.
Take the LIPI letter to Direktorat Pengkajian MASTRA Daerah, Departemen Dalam Negeri (Department of Home Affairs), JI. Medan Merdeka Utara No. 7 - 8, Jakarta Pusat, and provide them with:
The letter from LIPI.
One passport-size photograph.
A copy of the SKJ.
Dit. MASTRA Daerah will, immediately or after one day, issue:
A Surat Pemberitahuan Penelitian (SPP - a research notice).
A letter for the local MASTRA DAERAH offices for the places where the researcher will live or work.
For the services provided by LIPI, an administrative fee of US$100 (in cash) is payable by the researcher to LIPI upon arrival in Jakarta.
Researchers must report to the following offices, to present:
A letter from LIPI to the research counterpart.
If the researcher is going to stay in Indonesia for 6 (six) months or longer, a letter from LIPI to the local Immigration Office to obtain KITAS.
A letter from LIPI to the local MASTRA DAERAH (formerly SOSPOLDA).
A copy of Surat Keterangan Jalan (SKJ) issued by the Police Headquarters in Jakarta to the local police station.
Researchers should submit to LIPI six copies of a Quarterly Progress Report. Failure to fulfill this requirement will oblige LIPI to revoke the research permit and its supports. Consequently, the researcher will be advised to leave the country.
Should a researcher need to extend the research and stay permit, he/she should submit the following documents to LIPI three months prior to the expiration date of the initial permit:
A letter explaining the reason for an extension.
Six copies of Provisional Final Report.
A letter of support from the researcher's Indonesian counterpart.
Researchers are prohibited to undertake activities other than stipulated in their research permits;
Researchers are required to respect the customs, traditions, and cultural values prevailing in the region;
When traveling within the country researchers should take with them copies of all immigration and police documents. Researchers should also take along their letters of permission to conduct research from LIPI and Surat Keterangan Jalan (SKJ) from the Police Headquarters in Jakarta.
If researchers intend to leave the country temporarily, they must obtain a letter of agreement from their counterpart and then write to LIPI, excluding the report, to get the Exit Re-entry Permit (ERP). If long-term researchers intend to leave the country upon completion of the research, they must obtain an Exit Permit Only (EPO) from the Immigration Office and a letter for fiscal exemption from the tax office. The fiscal exemption (bebas fiskal) exempt researchers from paying the Indonesian exit fee or fiscal. Fiscal exemption is only given by the Indonesian Tax Office.
The procedure to obtain an EPO and fiscal exemption through LIPI is as follows:
One month prior to departure, the researcher should submit an interim report of 25 - 30 pages to LIPI and inform LIPI of the exact date of departure from Indonesia. The researcher and the researcher's counterpart should write directly to Kepala Biro Kerjasama Iptek LIPI, notifying that the research is almost done and the researcher plans to leave Indonesia on (date of departure). Attach to the counterpart's letter the interim research report in five copies.
The researcher should submit LIPI's cover letter and a completed application form, passport, Immigration document (KITAS) and the letter from the sponsoring institution to the Immigration Office that issue the KITAS.
The researcher should submit LIPI's letter to the Tax Office in Jakarta three days prior to his/her departure.
Any further information on research procedure for foreign researcher in Indonesia may be obtained from:
Bureau of S & T Cooperation
Sasana Widya Sarwono Building, 7th Floor
JI. Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta 12710
Phone: (021) 5225711 ext. 240, 237
Fax: 62 21 5265457
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Research Procedures For Foreign In Indonesia
Posted by
Cheria Holiday
5:15 PM
Labels: Business Visa, Indonesia Visa, student visa, Tourist Visa, Travel Visa, Visa Consultant, Visa Services, Work Permits
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